Undone By Blood (2021) Comic

Undone By Blood (2021)
  • Alternate Name

    Undone By Blood: The Other Side of Eden

  • Author(s)

    Lonnie Nadler - Zac Thompson

  • Released


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The early 1930’s: The height of the Great Depression and beginning of the Dust Bowl. Silvano Luna Del Rio works as a postman in Buttar, Texas. Reeling from a tragic past, with only a gun and a Western novel to his name, Silvano sets out to take back from the country that took so much from him by robbing the first skyscraper West of the Mississippi. But acts of retribution are never as simple as they seem, as his target is home to an eccentric fraternal brotherhood hiding their own dark secrets...

Undone By Blood (2021) chapters (issues)

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