Uncle Grandpa Comic

Uncle Grandpa cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Uncle Grandpa 2014

  • Author(s)

    Evgeny Yakovlev - Jimmy Giegerich - Scott Roberts - Yehudi Mercado - Zac Gorman

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Comedy - Fantasy

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  • Rating


WHY WE LOVE IT: Adventure Time. Regular Show. The Amazing World of Gumball. Steven Universe. Can you tell we love Cartoon Network’s shows? We’re excited to welcome Uncle Grandpa to KaBOOM! comics. It’s quirky, goofy, and oh-so-fun—a perfect formula for the four-color page. WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: This MAD Magazine-style comic is going to feature all manner of short strips, games, and more goofy things. If you are a fan of cartoonists like Don Martin, Gary Larson, and Tex Avery, you’ll enjoy Uncle Grandpa. WHAT’S IT ABOUT: Uncle Grandpa is everyone’s magical uncle and grandpa, and he’s come to help kids with their problems in surreal and wacky ways! It’s a collection of zany shorts, games, and strips starring Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, Mr. Gus, and all the other crazy characters from the hit Cartoon Network show created by Peter Browngardt.

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