The Stand: American Nightmares Comic

The Stand: American Nightmares   cover image
  • Alternate Name

    The Stand American Nightmares 2009

  • Author(s)

    Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa - Stephen King

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Marvel - Horror

  • Views


  • Rating

The Stand: American Nightmares Average 3.76/5 - out of 73 total votes.


The second arc begins! The deadly super flu Captain Trips has devastated the country and now the few survivors must pick up the pieces and go on. Larry Underwood seeks escape from New York City. Lloyd contemplates an extremely unsavory dinner option in jail, and Stu Redman makes a desperate bid for freedom from his interrogators. Most ominous of all, the stange being called Randall Flagg continues his dread journey across the devastated landscape of America. You must not miss it!

The Stand: American Nightmares Chapters (Issues)

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