The Perhapanauts: Second Chances Comic

The Perhapanauts: Second Chances
  • Alternate Name

    Perhapanauts: Second Chances, The Perhapanauts Second Chances 2006

  • Author(s)

    Todd Dezago

  • Status


  • Genres

    Dark Horse - Mystery

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  • Rating


They're BACK! Still glowing from the heat of their first mind-numbing miniseries, those prowlers of the paranormal--The PERHAPANAUTS--are back to confront more creepy cryptozoological creatures and extradimensional entities! (No, the fact that the team is mostly made up of the same mythic monsters isn't lost on us...) A Bigfoot, a chupacabra, a ghost, and a psychic, all agents for the enigmatic BEDLAM (Bureau of Extra-Dimensional Liabilities and Management), tear it up as they continue the fight to keep us safe from the unseen horrors in our closets and the things that go bump in the night! Join The Perhapanauts as they delve into the mysteries of the unknown and the unexplained and answer questions like why there're more lines on your left palm than on your right!

The Perhapanauts: Second Chances chapters (issues)

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