The Many Lives of Charlie Comic

The Many Lives of Charlie cover image
  • Alternate Name

    The Many Lives of Charlie 2023

  • Author(s)

    Kid Toussaint

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Fantasy - Graphic Novels

  • Views


  • Rating


What happens to our loved ones when they die? No more funerals, because now we recycle! In an exuberant and swarming big city, Charlie, an employee at Eternal Recycle, is the best in his field: finding a use for your body after you die. But one day, a boy calls and asks him what has happened to his mother’s soul. Charlie is used to handling the bodies, but who takes care of the souls? To answer that question, he sets out on an investigation into the very heart of death and love…

The Many Lives of Charlie Chapters (Issues)

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