The Joker: Endgame Comic

The Joker: Endgame cover image
  • Alternate Name

    The Joker Endgame 2015

  • Author(s)

    Brenden Fletcher - Brian Buccellato - Cameron Stewart - Frank Tieri - James Tynion IV - Scott Snyder - Becky Cloonan

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    DC Comics - Crime - Superhero

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Gotham City is overrun by Jokerized victims, and The Joker himself is prowling the streets. Even as Batman confronts the Clown Prince of Crime, ordinary citizens and Arkham inmates must confront the mark The Joker has left on the city and themselves. Is anyone truly safe? This jam-packed collection features backup stories from BATMAN #35-40, BATMAN ANNUAL #3, GOTHAM ACADEMY: ENDGAME #1, BATGIRL: ENDGAME #1, DETECTIVE COMICS: ENDGAME #1 and ARKHAM MANOR: ENDGAME #1.

The Joker: Endgame Chapters (Issues)

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