The DC Universe by Len Wein Comic

The DC Universe by Len Wein cover image
  • Alternate Name

    DC Universe by Len Wein

  • Author(s)

    Len Wein

  • Released


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  • Genres

    DC Comics - Superhero

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For the first time, acclaimed writer Len Wein's greatest tales of the DC Universe are collected, from the start of his prestigious career to its finale. Includes stories from Teen Titans #18, Phantom Stranger #20-24, JLA #100-102, Action Comics #419-420, 422-423, 425-426, 429, 432, DC Comics Presents #27-29, JLA 80-Page Giant #2, DC Retroactive: Green Lantern—The ‘80s: Big Betrayal #1 and Swamp Thing Winter Special #1.

The DC Universe by Len Wein Chapters (Issues)

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