The Alternates Comic

The Alternates cover image
  • Alternate Name

    The Alternates (2023)

  • Author(s)

    Jordan Blum - Patton Oswalt - Tim Seeley

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Action - Adventure - Dark Horse - Superhero

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Mary the Multi-Monster! The Tripper! Crab Louie! Kid Curious! Persona! Formerly the offbeat B-list superheroes, The Alternates, who seemingly sacrificed themselves to stop an invasion from another dimension. Instead, they were transported to a mirror reality where they lived complex lives in a more four-dimensional existence–expanding both their powers and consciousness.
Five years later, they’ve returned to Twilight City, struggling to reacclimate to their old lives in a traditional two-dimensional superhero world–in withdrawal from the vivid ones they left behind. When elements from this alternate reality turn up as a dangerous new street drug, some of the heroes band together to destroy it, while others succumb to its temptation.

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