Tank Girl Ongoing Comic

Tank Girl Ongoing cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Tank Girl: Action Alley

  • Author(s)

    Alan C. Martin

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Action - Adventure - Post-Apocalyptic

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  • Rating


"Tank Girl's first ongoing in 30 years! Original creator Alan Martin and fan-favorite artist Brett Pearson bring Tank Girl into a whole new era. The Tank Girl universe begins here. Explore the backstories and secrets behind the world of the post-apocalyptic punk icon. The origins of the mutant kangaroos and Booga himself, revealed in this first arc. 'Summer Holiday' meets 'Damnation Alley'. "We get to invent a complex and detailed universe for Tank Girl and her friends to occupy, but it has to be done with humor, not in the generic style of a po-faced movie producer. Thirty years since she sprang to life, and now we find ourselves at the crack of a new dawn for Tank Girl. Characters and stories will carry more weight! More depth! And more stupidity!" – Alan Martin".

Tank Girl Ongoing Chapters (Issues)

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