Superman/Wonder Woman Comic

Superman/Wonder Woman cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Superman/Wonder Woman (2013)

  • Author(s)

    Charles Soule

  • Released


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  • Genres

    DC Comics - Action - Adventure

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Superman/Wonder Woman is an ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics that debuted in October 2013 as part of the company's The New 52 initiative. The series, written by Charles Soule with artwork by Tony Daniel, explores the relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman, two of DC Comics' most popular characters. Beginning a bold new series that details the relationship between The Man of Steel and the Warrior Princess as rising star writer Charles Soule is joined by fan favorite artist Tony S. Daniel to tell the tale of a romance that will shake the stars themselves. These two super-beings love each other, but not everyone shares their joy. Some fear it, some test it—and some will try to kill for it. Some say love is a battlefield, but where Superman and Wonder Woman are concerned it spells Doomsday!

Superman/Wonder Woman Chapters (Issues)

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