Smoke & Mirror Comic

Smoke & Mirror
  • Alternate Name

    Smoke & Mirror 2009

  • Author(s)

    Chuck Satterlee

  • Released


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When a materialistic, young Chicago lawyer is forced to represent an aging old man pro-bono, changes take place that will forever change both of their lives. Luke Gabriel learns that there is more to life than money when he discovers Silas Binder''s past. Silas Binder was a superhero in his youth, back in the fifties. He was one half of SMOKE & MIRROR, a superhero duet made up of Silas, the mystical spell chanting master of magic went by the name Mr. Smoke. His partner, Miss Mirror was a speed heroine with the ability to harness heat energy and release it in powerful blasts. Something happened to make Mr. Smoke hang up the cape. Ms. Mirror has long since passed. Now a new hero roams the streets of Chicago. He simply goes by the name SMOKE. Luke is mentored by Silas as he takes up the struggle of good versus evil. And wouldn''t you know it Ms. Mirror''s great-niece has been starting to develop powers.

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