Sin City: That Yellow Bastard Comic

Sin City: That Yellow Bastard cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Sin City: That Yellow Bastard 1996

  • Author(s)

    Frank Miller

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Action - Adventure - Crime - Dark Horse

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Just one hour to go. Hartigan's polishing his badge and working himself up to kissing it good-bye, it and the thirty-odd years of protecting and serving and tears and blood and triumph that it represents. He's thinking about his wife's slow smile, about the thick, fat steaks she's picked up at the butcher's, about the bottle of champagne she's got packed in ice, about sleeping in till ten in the morning and spending sunny afternoons flat on his back. Just one hour to go and he gets word from a stoolie about that one loose end he hasn't tied up, a young girl who's out there, helpless in the hands of a drooling lunatic. Just one hour to go ... and he's gonna go out with a bang.
Frank Hartigan is so close to retirement. It'll be good to finally step back from policing, and rest his weak heart. Just one last case...
There's been a little girl abducted, and although Frank's partner is giving him a dire warning about pursuing the case, Detective Hartigan won't be deterred - nothing matters in the face of saving a little girl from certain horror. It's the right thing to do - right, but not very smart.

Sin City: That Yellow Bastard Chapters (Issues)

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