Savage Red Sonja Comic

Savage Red Sonja cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Savage Red Sonja (2023)

  • Author(s)

    Dan Panosian

  • Released


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  • Rating

Savage Red Sonja Average 4.60/5 - out of 5 total votes.


Prepare yourself for the savagery that can only Red Sonja can deliver in this brand-new series that harkens back to the classic era of Robert E. Howard's original pulp tales of swords and sorcery! Tasked with retrieving a long-hidden gem from a crumbled, ancient kingdom, the She-Devil With a Sword is traveling alone through a dangerous wasteland when fate intervenes, and her solo adventure is sidetracked by a wayward prince and his bride as they try desperately to escape from fearsome desert bandits — only to be attacked by a monstrous beast from beneath the sands! Don't miss out on this fast-paced tale of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural — written by comics superstar DAN PANOSIAN and illustrated by ALESSIO PETILLO, with colors by FRANCESCO SEGALA!

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