Sap Hunters Comic

Sap Hunters cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Sap Hunters 2023

  • Author(s)

    Alexandre Ristorcelli - Laurent Genefort

  • Released


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  • Genres

    Graphic Novels - Sci-Fi

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The World Tree is dying, threatening the lives of all the clans that inhabit it. Can three Sap Hunters and the last survivor of the Chasm Strider clan find the source of the sacred Tree’s infection in time? All is not right within the branches of the sacred World Tree. Towering huge, its life-giving sap sustains the many divided clans living within it… until the Chasm Strider clan’s diviner, Pierig, discovers the Tree’s sap has become infected! Before he can warn his clan, tragedy strikes and he is violently captured by the Sap Hunter clan, warriors who demand he use his special divining skills to track the source of the corruption. As the sickness eats away at the World Tree, the party works its way down the levels of the massive Tree, inching closer to its roots. But what secrets do the dense roots hide? How deep will this unlikely group descend to save everything they love? Mad Max meets Avatar in this brand-new graphic adaption of the novel from French science fiction novelist Laurent Genefort, as skillfully adapted by Alexandre Ristorcelli.

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