Robyn Hood Annual: Invasion Comic

Robyn Hood Annual: Invasion cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Robyn Hood Annual: Invasion 2023

  • Author(s)

    Joe Brusha

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Action - Adventure - Superhero

  • Views


  • Rating

Robyn Hood Annual: Invasion Average 3.00/5 - out of 1 total votes.


The Cult of Cthulhu has spread the Great Sleeper's creations across the world in an insidious plot to prepare Earth for the coming of their master. The Starspawn are nearly invulnerable and Robyn is going to need all the help she can get to stop their evil from spreading across the globe. This action packed annual is filled with guest stars as the heroes of the Grimm Universe unite to stop the greatest evil they have yet to face.

Robyn Hood Annual: Invasion Chapters (Issues)

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