Red Sonja: Battle Fairy and the Yeti Comic

Red Sonja: Battle Fairy and the Yeti cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Red Sonja: Battle Fairy and the Yeti 2023

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  • Genres

    Action - Adventure

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Red Sonja: Battle Fairy and the Yeti Average 5.00/5 - out of 1 total votes.


What happens when Asidor, a shadowy figure from Red Sonja’s past, teams up with Orsula the mortal enemy of Serena the Battle Fairy…. MAYHEM of course! The plan was simple… transport Red Sonja from Earth to Spriten (The Battle Fairy’s home world) with the assumption being, a warrior as skilled as Red Sonja pitted against Serena can eliminate her and therefore remove the main obstacle in Orsula’s grip as supreme ruler of Spriten. Meantime, with Red Sonja off Earth, she can no longer foil Asidor’s plans of domination. But we know what they say about plans… and someone forgot about the Yeti!

Red Sonja: Battle Fairy and the Yeti Chapters (Issues)

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