On the Way Comic

On the Way cover image
  • Alternate Name

    On the Way 2023

  • Author(s)

    Hernandez - Paco

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Graphic Novels

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Emma, a newly single cartoonist in her thirties, impulsively finds herself standing in Roncesvalles with her gaze fixed on Santiago de Compostela. Following the pilgrimage route known as The Way of St. James, she realizes the path she is traveling is bringing her closer to and somehow farther away from everyone around her, that the weight of her backpack is more than the clothes and pans inside, and that what she believed to be a simple walk to get some miles behind her (and her past) is a chance to learn not only about the people she meets along the way, but also herself.

On the Way Chapters (Issues)

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