NYX Comic



Ok guys, this is the first installment of the NYX wannabe series. It begins in Alphabet City, NY. Elizabeth Nixon is taking her daughter Kiden, son Ty and 2 baby twins to see their father at the NYPD. She tells Kiden that she forgot to get their father a cake for his birthday and she needs Kiden to keep him busy for a while. Tyler gets annoyed but Elizabeth manages to shut him up. Arriving at the police station, Kiden is exstatic to see her father and says she wants to go to the park. Elizabeth, Ty and the twins leave and Kiden and her father go to get ice-cream at Ninos Store. Upon leaving her father says he knows the Elizabeth has gone to get him a cake. Kiden asks why but a driveby occurs and her father is shot. Kiden sits on the floor helpless.

NYX chapters (issues)

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