New Tales of the Arabian Nights Comic

New Tales of the Arabian Nights
  • Alternate Name

    New Tales of the Arabian Nights 1979

  • Author(s)

    Jan Strnad

  • Released


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Heavy Metal Presents: New Tales of the Arabian Nights, aka "The last Voyage of Sindbad" is a collation that first appeared in Heavy Metal Magazine Issues #15 through #28 (1978-1979).
The story begins with a somewhat faithful revisit of the original "Arabian Nights" storyline, and then adds to that via Sharazad, a queen, telling a story about Sindbad's last voyage to her sister, Dunyazad.
Well-known author Harlan Ellison writes the Introduction and observes that what sets this series apart from similar Heavy Metal productions is the fact that the artwork by Corben, enhances and compliments, rather than overwhelms the storyline of Strnad.

New Tales of the Arabian Nights chapters (issues)

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