Legends of Red Sonja Comic

Legends of Red Sonja cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Legends of Red Sonja 2014

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  • Genres

    Fantasy - Leading Ladies

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In this unique collection, ongoing RED SONJA series writer GAIL SIMONE hand-picked eleven of the fiercest, most talented, and most popular female writers from the worlds of comics, prose, games and television, to help her tell the greatest legends in the She-Devil's long history! A group of savage mercenaries hired to hunt and kill Sonja come across campfire tales of her at every turn... and Sonja does not like to be hunted. Tamora Pierce, Mercedes Lackey, Marjorie M. Liu, Nancy A. Collins, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Rhianna Pratchett, and many more tell fascinating bits of Sonja's legend, with a wrap-around tale by Simone herself, and art by the likes of Phil Noto, Jim Calafiore, Jack Jadson and more! Contains issues #1-5, the script to issue #1, concept art by Jack Jadson and more!

Legends of Red Sonja Chapters (Issues)

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