Left 4 Dead: The Sacrifice Comic

Left 4 Dead: The Sacrifice
  • Alternate Name

    Left 4 Dead: The Sacrifice (2010)

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  • Genres

    Horror - Video Games - Zombies

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The Sacrifice: Part One covers events from the end of Blood Harvest as the Survivors are fighting their way to the Armored Personnel Carrier sent by the Military. A small flashback revealing the past of Louis during the Green Flu is shown, along with his first encounter with the Infected. In the present, the Survivors have made it, but their first direct encounter with the Military isn't exactly friendly, as not only are they referred to as "Tango Mikes," but instead of the Echo Safe Zone they thought they were heading to, they are now heading to Millhaven, a location unknown to the Survivors. Upon disembarking, the Survivors are ordered at gunpoint to leave their weapons behind and are marched out of the vehicle where they are met with aggressive military personnel, who immediately do not get along with Francis. A military personnel tells them they are going to "testing," to which Zoey reacts nervously.

Left 4 Dead: The Sacrifice chapters (issues)

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