Justice, Inc. (1975) Comic

Justice, Inc. (1975) cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Justice, Inc. (1975) 2014

  • Author(s)

    Dennis O'Neil

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Action - Adventure - Sci-Fi

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  • Rating


DC Comics again translated pulp fiction into comics with a revival of the icy-eyed 1930's hero, the Avenger. Writer Denny O'NIel and artist Al McWilliams adapted the novel "Justice, Inc" by "Kenneth Robeson" (a.k.a. writer Paul Ernst). Globetrotting millionaire adventurer Dick Benson declared war on crime following the murder of his wife and daughter. The trauma had turned his skin and hair ghost white. Jack Kirby rendered the Avenger's comic book exploits strating with issue# 2. Sadly, though, Justice Inc was unfairly swift, lasting a total of four installments.

Justice, Inc. (1975) Chapters (Issues)

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