Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink Comic

Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink (2009)

  • Author(s)

    Eric Wallace

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    DC Comics - Action - Adventure - Superhero

  • Views


  • Rating

Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink Average 4.33/5 - out of 61 total votes.


n the wake of FINAL CRISIS, the Tattooed Man is considered a hero for the first time in his life. At first, the rewards from his new lifestyle are a welcome change from the rest of what his existence has been, but soon the pressure to stay above temptation and evil start to wear him down. Matters are quickly complicated when he wakes up in the middle of the night to find his body covered in unfamiliar tattoos that seem to have a life of their own. In this 6-issue miniseries from newcomer writer Eric Wallace (TV's Eureka) and artist Fabrizio Fiorentino, the Tattooed Man finds himself in the middle of a life and death struggle with his own powers and the master plan they seem to have for him – whether he likes it or not!

Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink Chapters (Issues)

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