ERB Carson of Venus: Realm of the Dead Comic

ERB Carson of Venus: Realm of the Dead cover image
  • Alternate Name

    ERB Carson of Venus Realm of the Dead 2020

  • Author(s)

    Mike Wolfer

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Carson Napiers adventures on the planet Venus take a terrifying turn in this all-new mini-series! Picking up where the Fear on Four Worlds story ended, Carson finds himself alone in the jungles of Amtor, where he embarks on a single-man crusade to rescue his beloved Duare, who has been kidnapped by the villainous Skor. But Skor is not alone... He is the self-appointed ruler of a city of reanimated corpses! Its one of Edgar Rice Burroughs most iconic heroes in an action-packed flight into the very realm of the dead!

ERB Carson of Venus: Realm of the Dead Chapters (Issues)

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