Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Comic

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor
  • Alternate Name

    Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor 2016

  • Author(s)

    George Mann

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Adventure - Sci-Fi

  • Views


  • Rating


"I'M THE DOCTOR, AND I'D VERY MUCH LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING IN MY HOUSE..." Get ready for an all-new season of comics adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann in the Doctor Who movie, fan-favorite minisode Night of the Doctor... and over fourteen years (and counting!) of astounding Big Finish audio spectaculars! Five amazing, interconnected new stories take the Doctor on a rollercoaster of threat and misadventure, as he investigates the mysteries surrounding his new companion Josie. Victorian magic shows, murderous trees, lost books, crystalline life-forms, barges in space crammed with the undead... and the grand journey all begins in a sleepy Welsh town... besieged by living paintings!

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor chapters (issues)

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