Dept of Monsterology Comic

Dept of Monsterology cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Department of Monsterology, Dept of Monsterology

  • Author(s)

    Gordon Rennie - PJ Holden

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Action - Adventure - Horror - Sci-Fi

  • Views


  • Rating

Dept of Monsterology Average 3.67/5 - out of 91 total votes.


Officially, it's the Department of Cryptozoology, Mythological Studies, Parapsychology and Fortean Phenomena. But to the rest of the students and staff at the Dunsany College it is The Department of Monsterology. They operate several field teams that roam the globe investigating the dark and unexplored corners of our world - the places we've forgotten, lost or believe to be mythical.

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