DC'S Harley Quinn Romances Comic

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DC is proud to present a selection of eight stories of rapscallion romance, prodigious passion, and undulating, unbridled affection. Tension builds as Apollo and Midnighter are captured by an unknown alien species who are determined to learn the secrets of their supersoldier success. Harley Quinn gets caught in a scintillating fantasy: What would life have been like if she and Ivy had met in high school? Also featuring Fire and Ice heating things up, fan-favorite heroine Power Girl’s romantic tale, John Constantine’s mysterious tryst, an amorous Aquaman adventure, and many more! These are lovelorn fantasies as only DC can tell them…but it’s not a Harlequin romance… prepare yourself for the Harley Quinn Romances!

DC'S Harley Quinn Romances Chapters (Issues)

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