Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds Comic

Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1996

  • Author(s)

    Alan Moore - Steve Moore - Steve Parkhouse

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Dark Horse - Sci-Fi

  • Views


  • Rating

Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds Average 4.51/5 - out of 99 total votes.


A stormtrooper remembers a young woman on the planet Lurr, and he remembers how she died at his hands. The wind rises to drown his screams. The shadows rise to drown his soul. Whether your sins are great or whether they are trivial, when the eyes of Clat the Shamer are upon you, your guilt will be the same- unbearable.

Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds Chapters (Issues)

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