Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps Comic

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Blackest Night Tales of the Corps 2009

  • Author(s)

    Peter J. Tomasi - Geoff Johns

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    DC Comics - Action - Adventure - Superhero

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Geoff Johns and Peter J. Tomasi (GREEN LANTERN CORPS) reveal the secrets behind the Lanterns of BLACKEST NIGHT! Bear witness to Blue Lantern Saint Walker's pilgrimage of hope, Star Sapphire Carol Ferris' sacrifice for love, Green Lantern Kilowog's courageous beginnings, Red Lantern Vice's source of rage, Orange Lantern Blume's bizarre creation, and the first appearance of the mysterious Indigo, leader of the Indigo Tribe!

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps Chapters (Issues)

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