At the Mountains of Madness Comic

At the Mountains of Madness cover image
  • Alternate Name

    At the Mountains of Madness 2012

  • Author(s)

    H. P. Lovecraft - I.N.J. Culbard

  • Released


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  • Genres

    Graphic Novels - Horror - Sci-Fi

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September 1930. A scientific expedition embarks for the frozen wasteland of Antarctica. But the secrets they unearth there reveal a past almost beyond human comprehension - and a future too terrible to imagine.
By taking scientific fact so seriously, At the Mountains of Madness (1936), H.P. Lovecrafts classic take on the heroic age of polar exploration, helped to define a new era in 20th-century science fiction.
Adaptation of the novella by H.P. Lovecraft.

At the Mountains of Madness Chapters (Issues)

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