Army of Darkness: King For a Day Comic

Army of Darkness: King For a Day cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Army of Darkness: King For a Day 2009

  • Author(s)

    James Kuhoric - Mike Raicht

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    Supernatural - Zombies

  • Views


  • Rating


Army of Darkness: King For a Day (2009) #13 continues to Army of Darkness: Hellbillies and Deadnecks (2008) #14.Army of Darkness: King For a Day (2009) #13 continues from Army of Darkness: Home Sweet Hell (2008) #12.
Unlucky (although in Ashs case, everything is unlucky!) issue #13 is here! In the past, Dynamite has killed Ash, sent him to fight the Marvel Zombies, hooked him up with Xena, Freddy, Ash and Jason (not all at once)... so what do they have planned for this issue? Find out in August from writers James Kuhoric, Mike Raicht and artist Pere Perez!

Army of Darkness: King For a Day Chapters (Issues)

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