Alan Scott: The Green Lantern Comic

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern cover image
  • Alternate Name

    Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023)

  • Author(s)

    Cian Tormey - Tim Sheridan

  • Released


  • Status


  • Genres

    DC Comics - Action - Adventure - Superhero

  • Views


  • Rating

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern Average 5.00/5 - out of 4 total votes.


A POWERFUL TALE OF ALAN SCOTT'S EARLY DAYS AS GREEN LANTERN! Alan Scott's early days as the Green Lantern are seen in a new light! The Green Lantern is the most powerful member of the JSA, beloved by all of America, but his personal life is a well-kept secret. This is a story about love, about fear, and most of all about courage to stand up to that fear. Alan Scott's past is the key to his future when the Red Lantern appears, ready to strike down the mighty Green Lantern!

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